The details you find here in the terms and conditions page are related to your use and access of this website and the services offered through it. By visiting, browsing and using this website, you are accepting and agreeing to the fact that you adhere and accept to our Terms of Use.
These terms and conditions are the type of ongoing contract among Imatrixpro Web Solutions and you. These are also applied to the use and access of services offered by Imatrixpro Web Solutions. The terms and conditions you find here can affect your rights. So, you need to read these terms of use carefully before you access and use our services.
Modifications With the Terms and Conditions:
Imatrixpro Web Solutions reserves the complete right for changing the terms of use from time to time and whenever necessary. This may be done without any prior notice. However, the current version of the terms of use may supersede all those previous versions. If you are using our services and using the Imatrixpro Web Solutions website after the changes are made, then you will have to agree with those changes.
Imatrixpro Web Solutions reserves the complete right for discontinuing, suspending, canceling, deactivating and deleting your account as well as all the related files and details associated with your account. We further also reserve the right to restrict, suspend, terminate and refuse your access for further use of the services we offer but surely Imatrixpro Web Solutions doesn’t have that obligation. This can be done just any time as well as for any reason without offering you the prior notice. We can do this with sole discretion and without any limitation. If we found that you are involved in any kind of illegal, fraudulent, and certain improper activity with respect to accessing our services, then we may take such step. You must agree that we will not remain liable to the third party or to you while taking these actions.
There are certain services offered by Imatrixpro Web Solutions that may need registration. Until and unless that registration process is completed, you may not be able to access or use those services. During the registration process, you also need to offer accurate, complete and current details about yourself, once prompted. Failing to do so may cancel the registration process. You are also needed to update and maintain these details to keep them accurate, true, complete and current. You will remain responsible to maintain the account and password related confidentiality. You will also remain completely responsible for all those activities that may occur under your account or password. You have to notify us instantly once you find any illegal and unauthorized use of your account and password or in case of any kind of security breach. We will take prompt steps to remove those things from your account during the end part of every session. If you fail to comply with such requirements, then we will not remain liable for any kind of loss as well as damage occurred with your account. You have to understand as well as agree that when you hire or use our services, communications may be made like administrative messages and service announcements. These messages can be forwarded from Imatrixpro Web Solutions or from the partners of the service provider and you need to consider these communications as the part of our services offered to you. Opting out to receive these messages is not permitted for you. You also need to understand that such services may carry advertisement messages.
Termination, Content Monitoring and Prohibited Acts:
It’s the Imatrixpro Web Solutions website that may contain calendars, certain communication facilities, chat areas, news, communities, groups, forums, email services, bulletin boards, and blogs. Through such communication facilities, you can communicate with others. These are the collective communication services that we may offer. You can use these services only to send, post or to receive the messages as well as materials which are proper, legitimate and whenever applicable or related to Imatrixpro Web Solutions’s website as well as related communication service.Not as the limitation and just like an example, you agree to the fact that while using the Imatrixpro Web Solutions’s website or the communication service we offer you will not involved in the following activities:
You cannot email, post, upload, avail or transmit any kind of content which is harmful, abusive, harassing, unlawful, threatening, libelous, tortuous or invasive for others’ privacy.
No way can you harm another’s privacy
Impersonating other’s entity or person and this may include but surely not limited to the Imatrixpro Web Solutions official. You cannot misrepresent the affiliation with other persons as well as entity.
You cannot manipulate the identifiers or forge headers to disguise originality of the content that is transmitted through our website as well as communication services.
You cannot post, upload, avail, email or transmit any kind of content that is not available for you. You cannot do this under any contractual, law or fiduciary relationships like nondisclosure agreements, employment relationships, inside information, confidential information and disclosed part.
You cannot otherwise avail, post, email, upload and post any content which infringes the trademark, patent, image, trade secret, copyright, other party’s proprietary rights and programs.
You cannot email, transmit, post or avail any kind of illegitimate as well as unauthorized advertising, signature petitions, charity requests, advertising materials, spam, junk mails, chain letters, any kind of solicitation, pyramid schemes apart from those areas which are crafted for such reason.
You cannot post, transmit, email or avail such material that carries software viruses as well as computer codes, programs and files that may interrupt, limit, restrict or destroy the functionality of hardware and software of any computer as well as telecommunication devices.
You are not allowed to interfere as well as disrupt the Imatrixpro Web Solutions’s communication services and website or the servers or the networks which are connected with our website. You cannot disobey any kind of procedures, needs, regulations and policies of networks that are connected with our communication services and website.
You cannot violate the applicable, state, local, international and national laws both unintentionally and intentionally.
You cannot transmit, list or post the articles that are considered to be off topic as per the description.
You agree that all the details, communications, data, graphics, messages, videos, icons, software, music, text, images, sound, photographs and the other details whether privately transmitted or publicly posted by the users of our website are the prime responsibility of that person who originated those communications and contents.
All the content added for Imatrixpro Web Solutions’s website as well as delivered to the subscribers as the part of our services including logos, graphics, texts, images, button icons, audio clips, video clips, data compilations, software, downloads and even the software are the sole property of Imatrixpro Web Solutions.